Ascent The Space Game Skimming Oxygen Average ratng: 3,3/5 6672 reviews

Aurora aircraft photos. It uses highly pressured mercury accelerated by nuclear energy to produce a plasma that creates a field of anti-gravity around the ship.

10 thoughts on “ Secret Project: The Ascent To Transcendence ” Axel March 26, 2016 at 10:22 am. It’s hard to put a finger on what I felt exactly, but that last sentence gave me similar feelings as the project itself, when I first completed it. For example, lots of games do ship-based Asteroid Mining, but our version is the most active, interactive and 'real' feeling (in our opinion anyway) to date. Easy to learn - The Space Game is designed so that anyone who can navigate a website can begin to play the game. The interface and design are not a valid source of difficulty.

Scientists have developed a new method for detecting oxygen in exoplanet atmospheres – an important indication of alien life.US astronomers are using 's James Webb Telescope to detect changes in light signals caused by oxygen molecules when they collide.The James Webb Space telescope provides incredible sensitivity for light readings compared to its predecessor, according to NASA, which has worked with Astronomers at UC Riverside in to develop the technique.The signals could help scientists distinguish between exoplanets inhabited by extra-terrestrial life and those without. 'Oxygen is one of the most exciting molecules to detect because of its link with life, but we don't know if life is the only cause of oxygen in an atmosphere,' said UC Riverside astrobiologist Dr Edward Schwieterman, who is also a member of the NASA Astrobiology Institute.' This technique will allow us to find oxygen in planets both living and dead.'

Exoplanets are planets outside our own Solar System that circle a star other than our sun.When oxygen molecules collide with each other, they block parts of the infrared light spectrum being observed by the telescope.By examining patterns in that light, astronomers can determine the composition of the planet's atmosphere and how much of it is made up of oxygen.On Earth, oxygen is generated by living organisms such as plants, algae and cyanobacteria. The vast telescope, which has already cost more than $7 billion (£5 billion), is considered a successor to the orbiting Hubble Space TelescopeThe James Webb Telescope and most of its instruments have an operating temperature of roughly 40 Kelvin – about minus 387 Fahrenheit (minus 233 Celsius).Officials say the cost may exceed the $8 billion (£5.6 billion) program cap set by Congress. The space agency has already poured $7 billion (£5 billion) into the telescope.When it is launched in 2020, it will be the world's biggest and most powerful telescope, capable of peering back 200 million years after the Big Bang.


  • 1usually in singularA climb or walk to the summit of a mountain or hill.

    • ‘It was he who first taught me that the ascent of mountains was an act of mystery, a way in to the greatest perplexities of human place in the land.’
    • ‘The fact that the route over the mountain began with the ascent of the steepest face, and that this was the route of frequent steeplechases, was not coincidental.’
    • ‘For people in the prime of their youth - and with perfect sight - the ascent of the mountain can be a demanding and dangerous business.’
    • ‘The scenery in all directions is particularly spectacular - it is often the case that the ascent of a smaller hill gives the best views of its larger neighbours.’
    • ‘It took two days and a night, and involved the ascent of two mountains and an evening descent upon a rotten glacier.’
    • ‘But his latest trip had been the experience of a lifetime, he said, with highs and lows to match any Himalayan mountain ascent.’
    • ‘One Scot ran past me on my ascent of the highest mountain in Britain.’
    • ‘The long and easy ascent of the hill is rewarded by extensive views in all directions from the summit.’
    • ‘It involves negotiating mountainous routes through snow and the ice of glaciers as well as the ascent of rock routes in a glaciated environment.’
    • ‘Three of North America's best climbers spent two days making the first ascent of this same route 20 years previously.’
    • ‘Despite that, the most straightforward route of ascent is on this side of the hill.’
    • ‘Its ascent makes a good introduction to the hill walking game and provides a fairly stiff afternoon's walk with the reward of extensive views from the summit on a good day.’
    • ‘They had left the hamlet and circled to the far side of the hill before beginning their ascent, threading their way through rocks and scrub to the wood straddling the crest.’
    • ‘She couldn't help giggling as they began their ascent up a huge hill.’
    • ‘Elizabeth, in her riding habit, is about to begin her ascent up the mountain.’
    • ‘We'll end our journey in triumph with the ascent of Ben Nevis, Scotland's highest mountain.’
    • ‘It also includes an overnight ascent of Mount Sinai to watch the sunrise over the mountains, a breathtaking experience well worth the three-hour walk up.’
    • ‘You should therefore avoid a quick ascent and take time to acclimatise to the mountains' oxygen challenged air.’
    • ‘Bear right through the gate off the main path and begin the steep, steep ascent directly to the summit.’
    • ‘Staying in climbing huts along the route, her group of 52 walkers began the ascent through terrain which ranged from desert to Arctic-like conditions.’
    1. 1.1An upward slope or path that one may walk or climb.
      • ‘Luckily when you are on the ascent the path cleverly twists and turns over the one-step streams to make the going reasonable, avoiding the worst.’
      • ‘Keep going, however, and an ascent up sloping bedrock will be found at the end on the right.’
      • ‘This was a long, challenging day with groups climbing either Number 4 Gully or Ledge Route rather than the easier ascent by the tourist path.’
      • ‘It's a six-hour undertaking with a 700m ascent along paths hewed into near-vertical mountainside.’
      • ‘Small, pale brown leaves covered the ground, and the tortured mesquite trunks twisted and cracked on their upward ascent.’
      • ‘We got to the first landing, the ascent upwards being a series of long curves and short straights, when I heard Rafferty's voice calling on us to wait up.’
      • ‘Now the 27 year old from Pamplona is hitting the steepest part of the ascent, and gritting his teeth as the road ramps up.’
      • ‘After the first hour or so of gentle ascent through a lava flow the climb steepens.’
      • ‘In another sixty or seventy yards the tunnel would begin a final ascent to its exit on the western side of the arroyo where Axler's men would be waiting with their transport.’
      • ‘The stress of the situation must have driven her to push hard in the race, as she rode strongly and powered up the final ascent to win the race.’
      slope, upward slope, incline, ramp, rise, bank, tilt, slant, upward gradient, inclination, acclivity
      View synonyms
  • 2usually in singularAn instance of rising or moving up through the air.

    • ‘In July 1925 Friedmann made a record-breaking ascent in a balloon to 7400 metres to make meteorological and medical observations.’
    • ‘Wind measurements were performed every 4 h by tracking the ascent of a pilot balloon by radar.’
    • ‘As the balloon continued its ascent, propelled by the heat from the flames, gas tanks inside the balloon ignited and caused an explosion.’
    • ‘As the balloon began its historic ascent, someone nearby questioned the usefulness of this new invention.’
    • ‘A gutsy group of Ukrainians has made the world's first underground balloon ascent in a disused coal mine in Doneck.’
    • ‘At the end of its ascent, the balloon bursts from the lack of air pressure in near space.’
    • ‘Flames licked out of the exhaust as the plane lifted off the runway and began the ascent, and as the noise faded into the distance it seemed to get even more intense.’
    • ‘In the time remaining, and amid much giggling, we inflated our balloons, ready for the ascent.’
    • ‘Ariane 44L carries four large liquid strap-on boosters to augment the launcher's thrust at liftoff and during the initial ascent.’
    • ‘As flight director, Mr Noble, who attended Burnley Grammar School and took up ballooning in 1974, was to mastermind the ascent and ensure the pilots return safely to earth.’
    • ‘Gaston, our pilot, checks two gauges - the variometer measures the balloon's rate of ascent or descent.’
    • ‘May 20, 1910, was one of a series of days on which weather observations were collected from coordinated balloon ascents all over Europe.’
    • ‘Data produced by these balloon ascents result in data that is applied to the guns, improving accuracy of fire.’
    • ‘For example, after the shuttle has entered orbit, the cargo bay doors open to help release much of the pent-up heat created during liftoff and ascent.’
    • ‘Both heart rate and wingbeat frequency were significantly higher during ascent than later in the flight.’
    • ‘An hour or two before launch the guidance software that controls the vehicle's ascent is loaded.’
    • ‘It ascended slowly and without sound, maintaining constant ascent and flight path towards the center of Manhattan.’
    • ‘No need for rockets, ramjets, or other propulsive technologies, and the ascent to orbit can be made in a far more benign, safe environment than within a rocket.’
    • ‘The rapid ascent to high altitudes strained the silk beyond the tolerance limit.’
    • ‘Whether or not he gets back in one piece depends very much on a successful take-off and ascent to a relatively calm cruising altitude of up to 45,000 ft.’
    rise, upward movement, take-off, lift-off, launch, blast-off, climb, levitation, soaring
    View synonyms
    1. 2.1A rise to a higher social or professional rank.
      • ‘There has, however, been an unexpected twist to the tale that may serve as a warning for other successful entrepreneurs dreaming of a swift ascent to celebrity land through the magic door of television.’
      • ‘Her ascent to the presidentship of the Kerala Electricity Board Employees Confederation had attracted attention not least because of the controversy it led to.’
      • ‘His ascent to his current post would be because Secretary Rice has confidence is his ability and character, not because he is a stalking horse for the Democrats.’
      • ‘The modern phase of Mysore began from 1800 with the ascent to the throne of Krishnaraja Wodeyar III.’
      • ‘The captain's story is conspicuously smooth, a vertical ascent to stardom.’
      • ‘He is black, and some people were quick to credit his ascent to affirmative action and his editors' desire for a more diverse reporting staff.’
      • ‘Gone too is the sad figure of the politician who for some years has been making the arduous ascent to political mediocrity only to find that he/she has lost on the fifth, sixth or umpteenth time.’
      • ‘With the advent of the electronic media, these popular forms gained new outlets and, in the case of jazz and film, began a rapid ascent to the level of genuine art.’
      • ‘It signifies the ascent to power of a new kind of American, one profoundly at odds with that older type who aspired to modesty and self-restraint.’
      • ‘We'll see if, like his brother, Stephen can feast on Indy League pitching before making a rapid ascent to the bigs.’
      • ‘And fortunately, it is a story that grows ever less likely to be repeated with the ascent to the bench of increasing numbers of females.’
      • ‘Though Arthur was initially shocked by his ascent to the presidency, he rose to the occasion.’
      • ‘His progressive thinking is what has led to his quick ascent to the top of the world-renowned development studio.’
      • ‘Bruno restored the balance from teetering totally towards the canvas by his ascent to a brief reign as holder of a version of the world title.’
      • ‘The broad story of Capote's ascent to literary greatness and descent into decades of writer's block in that time is well known.’
      • ‘Mary's ascent to the throne was clouded with the actions of the Duke of Northumberland and Lady Jane Grey.’
      • ‘But their ascent to this status depended largely on the processes of industrialisation, urbanisation and commodification.’
      • ‘Most people consider acne to be a consequence of being a teenager, as though it were a rite of passage marking the ascent into adulthood.’
      • ‘It is little wonder, therefore, to find that there are still ‘pinch me’ moments for the rising star, given her remarkable ascent into the limelight.’


Late 16th century from ascend, on the pattern of the pair of descend, descent.


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Aurora aircraft photos. It uses highly pressured mercury accelerated by nuclear energy to produce a plasma that creates a field of anti-gravity around the ship.

10 thoughts on “ Secret Project: The Ascent To Transcendence ” Axel March 26, 2016 at 10:22 am. It’s hard to put a finger on what I felt exactly, but that last sentence gave me similar feelings as the project itself, when I first completed it. For example, lots of games do ship-based Asteroid Mining, but our version is the most active, interactive and 'real' feeling (in our opinion anyway) to date. Easy to learn - The Space Game is designed so that anyone who can navigate a website can begin to play the game. The interface and design are not a valid source of difficulty.

Scientists have developed a new method for detecting oxygen in exoplanet atmospheres – an important indication of alien life.US astronomers are using 's James Webb Telescope to detect changes in light signals caused by oxygen molecules when they collide.The James Webb Space telescope provides incredible sensitivity for light readings compared to its predecessor, according to NASA, which has worked with Astronomers at UC Riverside in to develop the technique.The signals could help scientists distinguish between exoplanets inhabited by extra-terrestrial life and those without. 'Oxygen is one of the most exciting molecules to detect because of its link with life, but we don't know if life is the only cause of oxygen in an atmosphere,' said UC Riverside astrobiologist Dr Edward Schwieterman, who is also a member of the NASA Astrobiology Institute.' This technique will allow us to find oxygen in planets both living and dead.'

Exoplanets are planets outside our own Solar System that circle a star other than our sun.When oxygen molecules collide with each other, they block parts of the infrared light spectrum being observed by the telescope.By examining patterns in that light, astronomers can determine the composition of the planet's atmosphere and how much of it is made up of oxygen.On Earth, oxygen is generated by living organisms such as plants, algae and cyanobacteria. The vast telescope, which has already cost more than $7 billion (£5 billion), is considered a successor to the orbiting Hubble Space TelescopeThe James Webb Telescope and most of its instruments have an operating temperature of roughly 40 Kelvin – about minus 387 Fahrenheit (minus 233 Celsius).Officials say the cost may exceed the $8 billion (£5.6 billion) program cap set by Congress. The space agency has already poured $7 billion (£5 billion) into the telescope.When it is launched in 2020, it will be the world's biggest and most powerful telescope, capable of peering back 200 million years after the Big Bang.


  • 1usually in singularA climb or walk to the summit of a mountain or hill.

    • ‘It was he who first taught me that the ascent of mountains was an act of mystery, a way in to the greatest perplexities of human place in the land.’
    • ‘The fact that the route over the mountain began with the ascent of the steepest face, and that this was the route of frequent steeplechases, was not coincidental.’
    • ‘For people in the prime of their youth - and with perfect sight - the ascent of the mountain can be a demanding and dangerous business.’
    • ‘The scenery in all directions is particularly spectacular - it is often the case that the ascent of a smaller hill gives the best views of its larger neighbours.’
    • ‘It took two days and a night, and involved the ascent of two mountains and an evening descent upon a rotten glacier.’
    • ‘But his latest trip had been the experience of a lifetime, he said, with highs and lows to match any Himalayan mountain ascent.’
    • ‘One Scot ran past me on my ascent of the highest mountain in Britain.’
    • ‘The long and easy ascent of the hill is rewarded by extensive views in all directions from the summit.’
    • ‘It involves negotiating mountainous routes through snow and the ice of glaciers as well as the ascent of rock routes in a glaciated environment.’
    • ‘Three of North America's best climbers spent two days making the first ascent of this same route 20 years previously.’
    • ‘Despite that, the most straightforward route of ascent is on this side of the hill.’
    • ‘Its ascent makes a good introduction to the hill walking game and provides a fairly stiff afternoon's walk with the reward of extensive views from the summit on a good day.’
    • ‘They had left the hamlet and circled to the far side of the hill before beginning their ascent, threading their way through rocks and scrub to the wood straddling the crest.’
    • ‘She couldn't help giggling as they began their ascent up a huge hill.’
    • ‘Elizabeth, in her riding habit, is about to begin her ascent up the mountain.’
    • ‘We'll end our journey in triumph with the ascent of Ben Nevis, Scotland's highest mountain.’
    • ‘It also includes an overnight ascent of Mount Sinai to watch the sunrise over the mountains, a breathtaking experience well worth the three-hour walk up.’
    • ‘You should therefore avoid a quick ascent and take time to acclimatise to the mountains' oxygen challenged air.’
    • ‘Bear right through the gate off the main path and begin the steep, steep ascent directly to the summit.’
    • ‘Staying in climbing huts along the route, her group of 52 walkers began the ascent through terrain which ranged from desert to Arctic-like conditions.’
    1. 1.1An upward slope or path that one may walk or climb.
      • ‘Luckily when you are on the ascent the path cleverly twists and turns over the one-step streams to make the going reasonable, avoiding the worst.’
      • ‘Keep going, however, and an ascent up sloping bedrock will be found at the end on the right.’
      • ‘This was a long, challenging day with groups climbing either Number 4 Gully or Ledge Route rather than the easier ascent by the tourist path.’
      • ‘It's a six-hour undertaking with a 700m ascent along paths hewed into near-vertical mountainside.’
      • ‘Small, pale brown leaves covered the ground, and the tortured mesquite trunks twisted and cracked on their upward ascent.’
      • ‘We got to the first landing, the ascent upwards being a series of long curves and short straights, when I heard Rafferty's voice calling on us to wait up.’
      • ‘Now the 27 year old from Pamplona is hitting the steepest part of the ascent, and gritting his teeth as the road ramps up.’
      • ‘After the first hour or so of gentle ascent through a lava flow the climb steepens.’
      • ‘In another sixty or seventy yards the tunnel would begin a final ascent to its exit on the western side of the arroyo where Axler's men would be waiting with their transport.’
      • ‘The stress of the situation must have driven her to push hard in the race, as she rode strongly and powered up the final ascent to win the race.’
      slope, upward slope, incline, ramp, rise, bank, tilt, slant, upward gradient, inclination, acclivity
      View synonyms
  • 2usually in singularAn instance of rising or moving up through the air.

    • ‘In July 1925 Friedmann made a record-breaking ascent in a balloon to 7400 metres to make meteorological and medical observations.’
    • ‘Wind measurements were performed every 4 h by tracking the ascent of a pilot balloon by radar.’
    • ‘As the balloon continued its ascent, propelled by the heat from the flames, gas tanks inside the balloon ignited and caused an explosion.’
    • ‘As the balloon began its historic ascent, someone nearby questioned the usefulness of this new invention.’
    • ‘A gutsy group of Ukrainians has made the world's first underground balloon ascent in a disused coal mine in Doneck.’
    • ‘At the end of its ascent, the balloon bursts from the lack of air pressure in near space.’
    • ‘Flames licked out of the exhaust as the plane lifted off the runway and began the ascent, and as the noise faded into the distance it seemed to get even more intense.’
    • ‘In the time remaining, and amid much giggling, we inflated our balloons, ready for the ascent.’
    • ‘Ariane 44L carries four large liquid strap-on boosters to augment the launcher's thrust at liftoff and during the initial ascent.’
    • ‘As flight director, Mr Noble, who attended Burnley Grammar School and took up ballooning in 1974, was to mastermind the ascent and ensure the pilots return safely to earth.’
    • ‘Gaston, our pilot, checks two gauges - the variometer measures the balloon's rate of ascent or descent.’
    • ‘May 20, 1910, was one of a series of days on which weather observations were collected from coordinated balloon ascents all over Europe.’
    • ‘Data produced by these balloon ascents result in data that is applied to the guns, improving accuracy of fire.’
    • ‘For example, after the shuttle has entered orbit, the cargo bay doors open to help release much of the pent-up heat created during liftoff and ascent.’
    • ‘Both heart rate and wingbeat frequency were significantly higher during ascent than later in the flight.’
    • ‘An hour or two before launch the guidance software that controls the vehicle's ascent is loaded.’
    • ‘It ascended slowly and without sound, maintaining constant ascent and flight path towards the center of Manhattan.’
    • ‘No need for rockets, ramjets, or other propulsive technologies, and the ascent to orbit can be made in a far more benign, safe environment than within a rocket.’
    • ‘The rapid ascent to high altitudes strained the silk beyond the tolerance limit.’
    • ‘Whether or not he gets back in one piece depends very much on a successful take-off and ascent to a relatively calm cruising altitude of up to 45,000 ft.’
    rise, upward movement, take-off, lift-off, launch, blast-off, climb, levitation, soaring
    View synonyms
    1. 2.1A rise to a higher social or professional rank.
      • ‘There has, however, been an unexpected twist to the tale that may serve as a warning for other successful entrepreneurs dreaming of a swift ascent to celebrity land through the magic door of television.’
      • ‘Her ascent to the presidentship of the Kerala Electricity Board Employees Confederation had attracted attention not least because of the controversy it led to.’
      • ‘His ascent to his current post would be because Secretary Rice has confidence is his ability and character, not because he is a stalking horse for the Democrats.’
      • ‘The modern phase of Mysore began from 1800 with the ascent to the throne of Krishnaraja Wodeyar III.’
      • ‘The captain's story is conspicuously smooth, a vertical ascent to stardom.’
      • ‘He is black, and some people were quick to credit his ascent to affirmative action and his editors' desire for a more diverse reporting staff.’
      • ‘Gone too is the sad figure of the politician who for some years has been making the arduous ascent to political mediocrity only to find that he/she has lost on the fifth, sixth or umpteenth time.’
      • ‘With the advent of the electronic media, these popular forms gained new outlets and, in the case of jazz and film, began a rapid ascent to the level of genuine art.’
      • ‘It signifies the ascent to power of a new kind of American, one profoundly at odds with that older type who aspired to modesty and self-restraint.’
      • ‘We'll see if, like his brother, Stephen can feast on Indy League pitching before making a rapid ascent to the bigs.’
      • ‘And fortunately, it is a story that grows ever less likely to be repeated with the ascent to the bench of increasing numbers of females.’
      • ‘Though Arthur was initially shocked by his ascent to the presidency, he rose to the occasion.’
      • ‘His progressive thinking is what has led to his quick ascent to the top of the world-renowned development studio.’
      • ‘Bruno restored the balance from teetering totally towards the canvas by his ascent to a brief reign as holder of a version of the world title.’
      • ‘The broad story of Capote's ascent to literary greatness and descent into decades of writer's block in that time is well known.’
      • ‘Mary's ascent to the throne was clouded with the actions of the Duke of Northumberland and Lady Jane Grey.’
      • ‘But their ascent to this status depended largely on the processes of industrialisation, urbanisation and commodification.’
      • ‘Most people consider acne to be a consequence of being a teenager, as though it were a rite of passage marking the ascent into adulthood.’
      • ‘It is little wonder, therefore, to find that there are still ‘pinch me’ moments for the rising star, given her remarkable ascent into the limelight.’


Late 16th century from ascend, on the pattern of the pair of descend, descent.


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...">Ascent The Space Game Skimming Oxygen(16.04.2020)
  • Ascent The Space Game Skimming Oxygen Average ratng: 3,3/5 6672 reviews
  • Aurora aircraft photos. It uses highly pressured mercury accelerated by nuclear energy to produce a plasma that creates a field of anti-gravity around the ship.

    10 thoughts on “ Secret Project: The Ascent To Transcendence ” Axel March 26, 2016 at 10:22 am. It’s hard to put a finger on what I felt exactly, but that last sentence gave me similar feelings as the project itself, when I first completed it. For example, lots of games do ship-based Asteroid Mining, but our version is the most active, interactive and 'real' feeling (in our opinion anyway) to date. Easy to learn - The Space Game is designed so that anyone who can navigate a website can begin to play the game. The interface and design are not a valid source of difficulty.

    Scientists have developed a new method for detecting oxygen in exoplanet atmospheres – an important indication of alien life.US astronomers are using 's James Webb Telescope to detect changes in light signals caused by oxygen molecules when they collide.The James Webb Space telescope provides incredible sensitivity for light readings compared to its predecessor, according to NASA, which has worked with Astronomers at UC Riverside in to develop the technique.The signals could help scientists distinguish between exoplanets inhabited by extra-terrestrial life and those without. 'Oxygen is one of the most exciting molecules to detect because of its link with life, but we don't know if life is the only cause of oxygen in an atmosphere,' said UC Riverside astrobiologist Dr Edward Schwieterman, who is also a member of the NASA Astrobiology Institute.' This technique will allow us to find oxygen in planets both living and dead.'

    Exoplanets are planets outside our own Solar System that circle a star other than our sun.When oxygen molecules collide with each other, they block parts of the infrared light spectrum being observed by the telescope.By examining patterns in that light, astronomers can determine the composition of the planet's atmosphere and how much of it is made up of oxygen.On Earth, oxygen is generated by living organisms such as plants, algae and cyanobacteria. The vast telescope, which has already cost more than $7 billion (£5 billion), is considered a successor to the orbiting Hubble Space TelescopeThe James Webb Telescope and most of its instruments have an operating temperature of roughly 40 Kelvin – about minus 387 Fahrenheit (minus 233 Celsius).Officials say the cost may exceed the $8 billion (£5.6 billion) program cap set by Congress. The space agency has already poured $7 billion (£5 billion) into the telescope.When it is launched in 2020, it will be the world's biggest and most powerful telescope, capable of peering back 200 million years after the Big Bang.


    • 1usually in singularA climb or walk to the summit of a mountain or hill.

      • ‘It was he who first taught me that the ascent of mountains was an act of mystery, a way in to the greatest perplexities of human place in the land.’
      • ‘The fact that the route over the mountain began with the ascent of the steepest face, and that this was the route of frequent steeplechases, was not coincidental.’
      • ‘For people in the prime of their youth - and with perfect sight - the ascent of the mountain can be a demanding and dangerous business.’
      • ‘The scenery in all directions is particularly spectacular - it is often the case that the ascent of a smaller hill gives the best views of its larger neighbours.’
      • ‘It took two days and a night, and involved the ascent of two mountains and an evening descent upon a rotten glacier.’
      • ‘But his latest trip had been the experience of a lifetime, he said, with highs and lows to match any Himalayan mountain ascent.’
      • ‘One Scot ran past me on my ascent of the highest mountain in Britain.’
      • ‘The long and easy ascent of the hill is rewarded by extensive views in all directions from the summit.’
      • ‘It involves negotiating mountainous routes through snow and the ice of glaciers as well as the ascent of rock routes in a glaciated environment.’
      • ‘Three of North America's best climbers spent two days making the first ascent of this same route 20 years previously.’
      • ‘Despite that, the most straightforward route of ascent is on this side of the hill.’
      • ‘Its ascent makes a good introduction to the hill walking game and provides a fairly stiff afternoon's walk with the reward of extensive views from the summit on a good day.’
      • ‘They had left the hamlet and circled to the far side of the hill before beginning their ascent, threading their way through rocks and scrub to the wood straddling the crest.’
      • ‘She couldn't help giggling as they began their ascent up a huge hill.’
      • ‘Elizabeth, in her riding habit, is about to begin her ascent up the mountain.’
      • ‘We'll end our journey in triumph with the ascent of Ben Nevis, Scotland's highest mountain.’
      • ‘It also includes an overnight ascent of Mount Sinai to watch the sunrise over the mountains, a breathtaking experience well worth the three-hour walk up.’
      • ‘You should therefore avoid a quick ascent and take time to acclimatise to the mountains' oxygen challenged air.’
      • ‘Bear right through the gate off the main path and begin the steep, steep ascent directly to the summit.’
      • ‘Staying in climbing huts along the route, her group of 52 walkers began the ascent through terrain which ranged from desert to Arctic-like conditions.’
      1. 1.1An upward slope or path that one may walk or climb.
        • ‘Luckily when you are on the ascent the path cleverly twists and turns over the one-step streams to make the going reasonable, avoiding the worst.’
        • ‘Keep going, however, and an ascent up sloping bedrock will be found at the end on the right.’
        • ‘This was a long, challenging day with groups climbing either Number 4 Gully or Ledge Route rather than the easier ascent by the tourist path.’
        • ‘It's a six-hour undertaking with a 700m ascent along paths hewed into near-vertical mountainside.’
        • ‘Small, pale brown leaves covered the ground, and the tortured mesquite trunks twisted and cracked on their upward ascent.’
        • ‘We got to the first landing, the ascent upwards being a series of long curves and short straights, when I heard Rafferty's voice calling on us to wait up.’
        • ‘Now the 27 year old from Pamplona is hitting the steepest part of the ascent, and gritting his teeth as the road ramps up.’
        • ‘After the first hour or so of gentle ascent through a lava flow the climb steepens.’
        • ‘In another sixty or seventy yards the tunnel would begin a final ascent to its exit on the western side of the arroyo where Axler's men would be waiting with their transport.’
        • ‘The stress of the situation must have driven her to push hard in the race, as she rode strongly and powered up the final ascent to win the race.’
        slope, upward slope, incline, ramp, rise, bank, tilt, slant, upward gradient, inclination, acclivity
        View synonyms
    • 2usually in singularAn instance of rising or moving up through the air.

      • ‘In July 1925 Friedmann made a record-breaking ascent in a balloon to 7400 metres to make meteorological and medical observations.’
      • ‘Wind measurements were performed every 4 h by tracking the ascent of a pilot balloon by radar.’
      • ‘As the balloon continued its ascent, propelled by the heat from the flames, gas tanks inside the balloon ignited and caused an explosion.’
      • ‘As the balloon began its historic ascent, someone nearby questioned the usefulness of this new invention.’
      • ‘A gutsy group of Ukrainians has made the world's first underground balloon ascent in a disused coal mine in Doneck.’
      • ‘At the end of its ascent, the balloon bursts from the lack of air pressure in near space.’
      • ‘Flames licked out of the exhaust as the plane lifted off the runway and began the ascent, and as the noise faded into the distance it seemed to get even more intense.’
      • ‘In the time remaining, and amid much giggling, we inflated our balloons, ready for the ascent.’
      • ‘Ariane 44L carries four large liquid strap-on boosters to augment the launcher's thrust at liftoff and during the initial ascent.’
      • ‘As flight director, Mr Noble, who attended Burnley Grammar School and took up ballooning in 1974, was to mastermind the ascent and ensure the pilots return safely to earth.’
      • ‘Gaston, our pilot, checks two gauges - the variometer measures the balloon's rate of ascent or descent.’
      • ‘May 20, 1910, was one of a series of days on which weather observations were collected from coordinated balloon ascents all over Europe.’
      • ‘Data produced by these balloon ascents result in data that is applied to the guns, improving accuracy of fire.’
      • ‘For example, after the shuttle has entered orbit, the cargo bay doors open to help release much of the pent-up heat created during liftoff and ascent.’
      • ‘Both heart rate and wingbeat frequency were significantly higher during ascent than later in the flight.’
      • ‘An hour or two before launch the guidance software that controls the vehicle's ascent is loaded.’
      • ‘It ascended slowly and without sound, maintaining constant ascent and flight path towards the center of Manhattan.’
      • ‘No need for rockets, ramjets, or other propulsive technologies, and the ascent to orbit can be made in a far more benign, safe environment than within a rocket.’
      • ‘The rapid ascent to high altitudes strained the silk beyond the tolerance limit.’
      • ‘Whether or not he gets back in one piece depends very much on a successful take-off and ascent to a relatively calm cruising altitude of up to 45,000 ft.’
      rise, upward movement, take-off, lift-off, launch, blast-off, climb, levitation, soaring
      View synonyms
      1. 2.1A rise to a higher social or professional rank.
        • ‘There has, however, been an unexpected twist to the tale that may serve as a warning for other successful entrepreneurs dreaming of a swift ascent to celebrity land through the magic door of television.’
        • ‘Her ascent to the presidentship of the Kerala Electricity Board Employees Confederation had attracted attention not least because of the controversy it led to.’
        • ‘His ascent to his current post would be because Secretary Rice has confidence is his ability and character, not because he is a stalking horse for the Democrats.’
        • ‘The modern phase of Mysore began from 1800 with the ascent to the throne of Krishnaraja Wodeyar III.’
        • ‘The captain's story is conspicuously smooth, a vertical ascent to stardom.’
        • ‘He is black, and some people were quick to credit his ascent to affirmative action and his editors' desire for a more diverse reporting staff.’
        • ‘Gone too is the sad figure of the politician who for some years has been making the arduous ascent to political mediocrity only to find that he/she has lost on the fifth, sixth or umpteenth time.’
        • ‘With the advent of the electronic media, these popular forms gained new outlets and, in the case of jazz and film, began a rapid ascent to the level of genuine art.’
        • ‘It signifies the ascent to power of a new kind of American, one profoundly at odds with that older type who aspired to modesty and self-restraint.’
        • ‘We'll see if, like his brother, Stephen can feast on Indy League pitching before making a rapid ascent to the bigs.’
        • ‘And fortunately, it is a story that grows ever less likely to be repeated with the ascent to the bench of increasing numbers of females.’
        • ‘Though Arthur was initially shocked by his ascent to the presidency, he rose to the occasion.’
        • ‘His progressive thinking is what has led to his quick ascent to the top of the world-renowned development studio.’
        • ‘Bruno restored the balance from teetering totally towards the canvas by his ascent to a brief reign as holder of a version of the world title.’
        • ‘The broad story of Capote's ascent to literary greatness and descent into decades of writer's block in that time is well known.’
        • ‘Mary's ascent to the throne was clouded with the actions of the Duke of Northumberland and Lady Jane Grey.’
        • ‘But their ascent to this status depended largely on the processes of industrialisation, urbanisation and commodification.’
        • ‘Most people consider acne to be a consequence of being a teenager, as though it were a rite of passage marking the ascent into adulthood.’
        • ‘It is little wonder, therefore, to find that there are still ‘pinch me’ moments for the rising star, given her remarkable ascent into the limelight.’


    Late 16th century from ascend, on the pattern of the pair of descend, descent.


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