
Rfactor 2 Tracks Average ratng: 4,4/5 2262 reviews

RFactor 2 is a realistic, easily extendable racing simulation that offers the latest in vehicle and race customization, great graphics, outstanding multiplayer and the height of racing realism. It features mixed class road racing with ultra realistic dynamics, an immersive sound environment and stunning graphics.

With kind permission from Patrick Girathon, I present you a conversion of his great Road Atlanta from AMS, now for RF2.Many things where updated and added:- DX11 ready- rF2 realroad added- nightlights added- almost all textures of the track changed- all commercial banners around the track were changed according to the IMSA race 2017- all AMS objects replaced by rF2 objects (marshalls, crowd, cars, busses etc.)- fixed some small holes in the terrain mesh.and many more stuff75 downloads. Author: MotorFxGT Legends Version - rFactor Version - GTR2 Versionthis is another track thats been adapted for rf2, with quite a lot of remoddling, roads etc. Still not quite finished, (waiting for some fixes to my modding tools) so again reflections not set up and other items still to sort. It still looks good in the rain, but as its been fun racing around on it with the historics now and then.I thought you might like to have another couple of layouts to test out.

Rfactor 2 Tracks

This has working animated marshals. Although HDR profiles not set up it it will work with HDR turned on.version 0.86, includes fixes for the tunnel walls collision detection when leaving paddock area, repositioned the cornerworkers hidded by tree, repaired slippy road patch after leaving 'Schwalbenschwanz' and minor adjustment to tdf file.7,989 downloads.

Author: NibiruBasically re-textured 70% of objects to fit in with rF2 and where I could I recycled ISI textures. I have made a few new animated objects and replaced some TSO's with ISI TSO's.There is still a few things to do but here is taste of what's to come. Thanks to Papaosa for the awesome videoCREDITS:Original Track: Darren BlytheConversion: NibiruObjects: Darren Blythe, Nibiru, ISITextures: Darren Blythe, Nibiru, ISICam File: HexogrammeAIW: HexogrammePromo Video: PapaosaThe wait is overFirst up thanks to Darren Blythe for making this track and then allowing me to convert it over.2nd Thanks to Hexagramme for making the AIWAlso a big thanks to all the guys at xfactorracing.com for all the testing and downloading they did.Not very much left to do so it's time for the public test and see what you guys find. I welcome your feedback so I can try and make it the best I can. The CAM file needs some work.v1.0Fixed the z-fighting tree last turnFixed z-fighting on small hut (last turn)made the uvw mapping of the cube map on the windows smaller and reduced the reflectivenessLowered the lip around the track on the corners and race line.Redbull tents now cast a shadow.Re-textured the railing on the G standnew cam filereplaced some trees481 downloads. Magnificent Park 0.98 by NibiruSome of you may remember this track from rFactor.

I have been in contact with the original creator HarySeb and he has given me permission to convert this track over to rFactor2. I have been working on this track for a while now and used it as a guinea pig and testing ground for Oran Park. With the release of gJED I thought I'd have a play with it and start to finish the track off in gJED. I hope to have something for you to try soon.About the trackAlthough unique is a much over-used word in racing, it can rightly be referred to Magnificent Park. Not only is the french circuit the only one that crosses over itself, but this fact means that it is also a circuit that runs both clockwise and anti-clockwise. The paddock host to a huge 360-degree staging and a futuristic complex built on a natural setting.Designed as a test track for the Saab Motor Company in 1989 by frenchman Sebastien Hary, it was mainly used for vehicle development.

After hosting numerous races in lower formula, Magnificent Park began its quest to host the second french 24h endurance happening, a feat it managed in 2006, when it took the honour away from Le Mans. Although the grand prix returned to Le Mans for 2007 and2008 the race is now confirmed to take place at Le Mans till 2010. By 2011 Le Mans and Magnificent Park will be host the two french races for LMS championship.An extremely fast and technical circuit, Magnificent Park is popular with drivers and spectators alike and has some notorious corners including Green Saints, Helter Skelter and The Edge. The circuit closed for a year in 2009 in order to make revisions necessary for LMS, it re-opened on December 6, 2010 for his first race date on December 13, 2010.v0.98 change logAIW tweakedCams tweaked358 downloads. Updated with kind permission of Feels3 by senormensome of the works carried out for v1.01sm. But not restricted to.- repositioned garage spots behind garage building and created new path to main pitlane.- repositioned tents and added cones for new pit path.- reworked tree and crowd transparency and shaders.- added ambient sounds in garage area.- reworked track shader.- replaced flags with animated ones reworked from isi.- reworked track markings in pitlane.- created shadow objects for trees.- various gdb, scn and aiw edits.Changes carried out without access to textures therefore not an easy taskHave fun. Senormen1,365 downloads.

Author: EuskotracksIt is a pleasure for Euskotracks to share with this community version 1.36 of our last work: Tres Millas (Three Miles)Tres Millas is an imaginary permanent race track located in the mountains inspired in the old days. Its name is coming, as you probably guessed, from its length, 4828 meters, exactly three miles. Its continous up and downs and good variety of turns will challenge the skills of all type of drivers since it has been designed to hold any class of vehicle. Its tricky entry to the finish straight ending in the fast chicane right after the finish line, the braking after the tunnel and the endless uphill left handed turn will make the difference between good and bad drivers.Future versions of this track will hopefully include lights and reflections to make it fun as well for night or rainy races. Hopefully as well, surpassing the pitlane exit line will not be allowed and will be considered cutting. I hope you enjoy driving it!!Euskotracks is an amateur track modding team composed by Borimoli, Spaskis and Xavi77.553 downloads.

Author: Leonardo 1962This is my first track for release, its a conversion of the LFS Track.Blackwood has one road- and one rallycross course (plus reversed directions),situated in England's countryside. Here is Road America 2016 v1.0.Things:- I consider this a version 1.0 however I know there are things on the track I could improve but I won't have time in the next months. This track modding is like there is always something you can fix/do better on the track- the track was made with 3D trees so the performance is low, you need a good PC- despite my efforts the track doesn't look like how I wanted to look like because the game limits the maximum shadowcasting range: I spent much more time with the AI than on Mosport to make sure it's competitive but I couldn't figure out how to make it faster in the kink (turn 11). It's a very high speed corner and some cars just don't want to behave how I want it if you find that certain car/mod is slow in the kink then increase the AI strength, they will gain time mostly there by gaining grip.

Cars which slow down too much in my experience: ISI Nissan GTR/Chevrolet GT2, Stockcar 2015. Obsiously I couldn't test all the mods. The URD and the Enduracers mods are good.- this track was a one person project from start to finish.

Rfactor 2 Tracks

Thanks to hexagramme for the advices (AI) and Steve76 who made the racegroove mapping. Thanks for the testing Emery and Chris Lesperance- if my time let me to do it I will make an update with the bend version (I couldn't finish this) and with billboard trees or X trees and some optimizations- right now this is the best I can do240 downloads.

How did they get involved?Who is the Headmaster and why does the game make a point of saying the Rotten Apple’s voice sounds similar to his?What exactly is the requirement that lets the protagonist get past limits? Who are the teachers? Bad apple wars vita. While the ending always explained the school’s true purpose, there are still questions to be answered. (I have a theory about this, but it’s never quite explained.)The main focus of Bad Apple Wars, however, is its characters.Two of the love interests can only be pursued on the Good Apple path, and the other three can only be pursued on the Bad Apple path.While there aren’t other true “choices” in the story, there are certain points where you can pick a location to go from the map.

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RFactor 2 is a realistic, easily extendable racing simulation that offers the latest in vehicle and race customization, great graphics, outstanding multiplayer and the height of racing realism. It features mixed class road racing with ultra realistic dynamics, an immersive sound environment and stunning graphics.

With kind permission from Patrick Girathon, I present you a conversion of his great Road Atlanta from AMS, now for RF2.Many things where updated and added:- DX11 ready- rF2 realroad added- nightlights added- almost all textures of the track changed- all commercial banners around the track were changed according to the IMSA race 2017- all AMS objects replaced by rF2 objects (marshalls, crowd, cars, busses etc.)- fixed some small holes in the terrain mesh.and many more stuff75 downloads. Author: MotorFxGT Legends Version - rFactor Version - GTR2 Versionthis is another track thats been adapted for rf2, with quite a lot of remoddling, roads etc. Still not quite finished, (waiting for some fixes to my modding tools) so again reflections not set up and other items still to sort. It still looks good in the rain, but as its been fun racing around on it with the historics now and then.I thought you might like to have another couple of layouts to test out.

Rfactor 2 Tracks

This has working animated marshals. Although HDR profiles not set up it it will work with HDR turned on.version 0.86, includes fixes for the tunnel walls collision detection when leaving paddock area, repositioned the cornerworkers hidded by tree, repaired slippy road patch after leaving 'Schwalbenschwanz' and minor adjustment to tdf file.7,989 downloads.

Author: NibiruBasically re-textured 70% of objects to fit in with rF2 and where I could I recycled ISI textures. I have made a few new animated objects and replaced some TSO's with ISI TSO's.There is still a few things to do but here is taste of what's to come. Thanks to Papaosa for the awesome videoCREDITS:Original Track: Darren BlytheConversion: NibiruObjects: Darren Blythe, Nibiru, ISITextures: Darren Blythe, Nibiru, ISICam File: HexogrammeAIW: HexogrammePromo Video: PapaosaThe wait is overFirst up thanks to Darren Blythe for making this track and then allowing me to convert it over.2nd Thanks to Hexagramme for making the AIWAlso a big thanks to all the guys at xfactorracing.com for all the testing and downloading they did.Not very much left to do so it's time for the public test and see what you guys find. I welcome your feedback so I can try and make it the best I can. The CAM file needs some work.v1.0Fixed the z-fighting tree last turnFixed z-fighting on small hut (last turn)made the uvw mapping of the cube map on the windows smaller and reduced the reflectivenessLowered the lip around the track on the corners and race line.Redbull tents now cast a shadow.Re-textured the railing on the G standnew cam filereplaced some trees481 downloads. Magnificent Park 0.98 by NibiruSome of you may remember this track from rFactor.

I have been in contact with the original creator HarySeb and he has given me permission to convert this track over to rFactor2. I have been working on this track for a while now and used it as a guinea pig and testing ground for Oran Park. With the release of gJED I thought I'd have a play with it and start to finish the track off in gJED. I hope to have something for you to try soon.About the trackAlthough unique is a much over-used word in racing, it can rightly be referred to Magnificent Park. Not only is the french circuit the only one that crosses over itself, but this fact means that it is also a circuit that runs both clockwise and anti-clockwise. The paddock host to a huge 360-degree staging and a futuristic complex built on a natural setting.Designed as a test track for the Saab Motor Company in 1989 by frenchman Sebastien Hary, it was mainly used for vehicle development.

After hosting numerous races in lower formula, Magnificent Park began its quest to host the second french 24h endurance happening, a feat it managed in 2006, when it took the honour away from Le Mans. Although the grand prix returned to Le Mans for 2007 and2008 the race is now confirmed to take place at Le Mans till 2010. By 2011 Le Mans and Magnificent Park will be host the two french races for LMS championship.An extremely fast and technical circuit, Magnificent Park is popular with drivers and spectators alike and has some notorious corners including Green Saints, Helter Skelter and The Edge. The circuit closed for a year in 2009 in order to make revisions necessary for LMS, it re-opened on December 6, 2010 for his first race date on December 13, 2010.v0.98 change logAIW tweakedCams tweaked358 downloads. Updated with kind permission of Feels3 by senormensome of the works carried out for v1.01sm. But not restricted to.- repositioned garage spots behind garage building and created new path to main pitlane.- repositioned tents and added cones for new pit path.- reworked tree and crowd transparency and shaders.- added ambient sounds in garage area.- reworked track shader.- replaced flags with animated ones reworked from isi.- reworked track markings in pitlane.- created shadow objects for trees.- various gdb, scn and aiw edits.Changes carried out without access to textures therefore not an easy taskHave fun. Senormen1,365 downloads.

Author: EuskotracksIt is a pleasure for Euskotracks to share with this community version 1.36 of our last work: Tres Millas (Three Miles)Tres Millas is an imaginary permanent race track located in the mountains inspired in the old days. Its name is coming, as you probably guessed, from its length, 4828 meters, exactly three miles. Its continous up and downs and good variety of turns will challenge the skills of all type of drivers since it has been designed to hold any class of vehicle. Its tricky entry to the finish straight ending in the fast chicane right after the finish line, the braking after the tunnel and the endless uphill left handed turn will make the difference between good and bad drivers.Future versions of this track will hopefully include lights and reflections to make it fun as well for night or rainy races. Hopefully as well, surpassing the pitlane exit line will not be allowed and will be considered cutting. I hope you enjoy driving it!!Euskotracks is an amateur track modding team composed by Borimoli, Spaskis and Xavi77.553 downloads.

Author: Leonardo 1962This is my first track for release, its a conversion of the LFS Track.Blackwood has one road- and one rallycross course (plus reversed directions),situated in England's countryside. Here is Road America 2016 v1.0.Things:- I consider this a version 1.0 however I know there are things on the track I could improve but I won't have time in the next months. This track modding is like there is always something you can fix/do better on the track- the track was made with 3D trees so the performance is low, you need a good PC- despite my efforts the track doesn't look like how I wanted to look like because the game limits the maximum shadowcasting range: I spent much more time with the AI than on Mosport to make sure it's competitive but I couldn't figure out how to make it faster in the kink (turn 11). It's a very high speed corner and some cars just don't want to behave how I want it if you find that certain car/mod is slow in the kink then increase the AI strength, they will gain time mostly there by gaining grip.

Cars which slow down too much in my experience: ISI Nissan GTR/Chevrolet GT2, Stockcar 2015. Obsiously I couldn't test all the mods. The URD and the Enduracers mods are good.- this track was a one person project from start to finish.

Rfactor 2 Tracks

Thanks to hexagramme for the advices (AI) and Steve76 who made the racegroove mapping. Thanks for the testing Emery and Chris Lesperance- if my time let me to do it I will make an update with the bend version (I couldn't finish this) and with billboard trees or X trees and some optimizations- right now this is the best I can do240 downloads.

How did they get involved?Who is the Headmaster and why does the game make a point of saying the Rotten Apple’s voice sounds similar to his?What exactly is the requirement that lets the protagonist get past limits? Who are the teachers? Bad apple wars vita. While the ending always explained the school’s true purpose, there are still questions to be answered. (I have a theory about this, but it’s never quite explained.)The main focus of Bad Apple Wars, however, is its characters.Two of the love interests can only be pursued on the Good Apple path, and the other three can only be pursued on the Bad Apple path.While there aren’t other true “choices” in the story, there are certain points where you can pick a location to go from the map.

...">Rfactor 2 Tracks(17.04.2020)
  • Rfactor 2 Tracks Average ratng: 4,4/5 2262 reviews
  • RFactor 2 is a realistic, easily extendable racing simulation that offers the latest in vehicle and race customization, great graphics, outstanding multiplayer and the height of racing realism. It features mixed class road racing with ultra realistic dynamics, an immersive sound environment and stunning graphics.

    With kind permission from Patrick Girathon, I present you a conversion of his great Road Atlanta from AMS, now for RF2.Many things where updated and added:- DX11 ready- rF2 realroad added- nightlights added- almost all textures of the track changed- all commercial banners around the track were changed according to the IMSA race 2017- all AMS objects replaced by rF2 objects (marshalls, crowd, cars, busses etc.)- fixed some small holes in the terrain mesh.and many more stuff75 downloads. Author: MotorFxGT Legends Version - rFactor Version - GTR2 Versionthis is another track thats been adapted for rf2, with quite a lot of remoddling, roads etc. Still not quite finished, (waiting for some fixes to my modding tools) so again reflections not set up and other items still to sort. It still looks good in the rain, but as its been fun racing around on it with the historics now and then.I thought you might like to have another couple of layouts to test out.

    Rfactor 2 Tracks

    This has working animated marshals. Although HDR profiles not set up it it will work with HDR turned on.version 0.86, includes fixes for the tunnel walls collision detection when leaving paddock area, repositioned the cornerworkers hidded by tree, repaired slippy road patch after leaving 'Schwalbenschwanz' and minor adjustment to tdf file.7,989 downloads.

    Author: NibiruBasically re-textured 70% of objects to fit in with rF2 and where I could I recycled ISI textures. I have made a few new animated objects and replaced some TSO's with ISI TSO's.There is still a few things to do but here is taste of what's to come. Thanks to Papaosa for the awesome videoCREDITS:Original Track: Darren BlytheConversion: NibiruObjects: Darren Blythe, Nibiru, ISITextures: Darren Blythe, Nibiru, ISICam File: HexogrammeAIW: HexogrammePromo Video: PapaosaThe wait is overFirst up thanks to Darren Blythe for making this track and then allowing me to convert it over.2nd Thanks to Hexagramme for making the AIWAlso a big thanks to all the guys at xfactorracing.com for all the testing and downloading they did.Not very much left to do so it's time for the public test and see what you guys find. I welcome your feedback so I can try and make it the best I can. The CAM file needs some work.v1.0Fixed the z-fighting tree last turnFixed z-fighting on small hut (last turn)made the uvw mapping of the cube map on the windows smaller and reduced the reflectivenessLowered the lip around the track on the corners and race line.Redbull tents now cast a shadow.Re-textured the railing on the G standnew cam filereplaced some trees481 downloads. Magnificent Park 0.98 by NibiruSome of you may remember this track from rFactor.

    I have been in contact with the original creator HarySeb and he has given me permission to convert this track over to rFactor2. I have been working on this track for a while now and used it as a guinea pig and testing ground for Oran Park. With the release of gJED I thought I'd have a play with it and start to finish the track off in gJED. I hope to have something for you to try soon.About the trackAlthough unique is a much over-used word in racing, it can rightly be referred to Magnificent Park. Not only is the french circuit the only one that crosses over itself, but this fact means that it is also a circuit that runs both clockwise and anti-clockwise. The paddock host to a huge 360-degree staging and a futuristic complex built on a natural setting.Designed as a test track for the Saab Motor Company in 1989 by frenchman Sebastien Hary, it was mainly used for vehicle development.

    After hosting numerous races in lower formula, Magnificent Park began its quest to host the second french 24h endurance happening, a feat it managed in 2006, when it took the honour away from Le Mans. Although the grand prix returned to Le Mans for 2007 and2008 the race is now confirmed to take place at Le Mans till 2010. By 2011 Le Mans and Magnificent Park will be host the two french races for LMS championship.An extremely fast and technical circuit, Magnificent Park is popular with drivers and spectators alike and has some notorious corners including Green Saints, Helter Skelter and The Edge. The circuit closed for a year in 2009 in order to make revisions necessary for LMS, it re-opened on December 6, 2010 for his first race date on December 13, 2010.v0.98 change logAIW tweakedCams tweaked358 downloads. Updated with kind permission of Feels3 by senormensome of the works carried out for v1.01sm. But not restricted to.- repositioned garage spots behind garage building and created new path to main pitlane.- repositioned tents and added cones for new pit path.- reworked tree and crowd transparency and shaders.- added ambient sounds in garage area.- reworked track shader.- replaced flags with animated ones reworked from isi.- reworked track markings in pitlane.- created shadow objects for trees.- various gdb, scn and aiw edits.Changes carried out without access to textures therefore not an easy taskHave fun. Senormen1,365 downloads.

    Author: EuskotracksIt is a pleasure for Euskotracks to share with this community version 1.36 of our last work: Tres Millas (Three Miles)Tres Millas is an imaginary permanent race track located in the mountains inspired in the old days. Its name is coming, as you probably guessed, from its length, 4828 meters, exactly three miles. Its continous up and downs and good variety of turns will challenge the skills of all type of drivers since it has been designed to hold any class of vehicle. Its tricky entry to the finish straight ending in the fast chicane right after the finish line, the braking after the tunnel and the endless uphill left handed turn will make the difference between good and bad drivers.Future versions of this track will hopefully include lights and reflections to make it fun as well for night or rainy races. Hopefully as well, surpassing the pitlane exit line will not be allowed and will be considered cutting. I hope you enjoy driving it!!Euskotracks is an amateur track modding team composed by Borimoli, Spaskis and Xavi77.553 downloads.

    Author: Leonardo 1962This is my first track for release, its a conversion of the LFS Track.Blackwood has one road- and one rallycross course (plus reversed directions),situated in England's countryside. Here is Road America 2016 v1.0.Things:- I consider this a version 1.0 however I know there are things on the track I could improve but I won't have time in the next months. This track modding is like there is always something you can fix/do better on the track- the track was made with 3D trees so the performance is low, you need a good PC- despite my efforts the track doesn't look like how I wanted to look like because the game limits the maximum shadowcasting range: I spent much more time with the AI than on Mosport to make sure it's competitive but I couldn't figure out how to make it faster in the kink (turn 11). It's a very high speed corner and some cars just don't want to behave how I want it if you find that certain car/mod is slow in the kink then increase the AI strength, they will gain time mostly there by gaining grip.

    Cars which slow down too much in my experience: ISI Nissan GTR/Chevrolet GT2, Stockcar 2015. Obsiously I couldn't test all the mods. The URD and the Enduracers mods are good.- this track was a one person project from start to finish.

    Rfactor 2 Tracks

    Thanks to hexagramme for the advices (AI) and Steve76 who made the racegroove mapping. Thanks for the testing Emery and Chris Lesperance- if my time let me to do it I will make an update with the bend version (I couldn't finish this) and with billboard trees or X trees and some optimizations- right now this is the best I can do240 downloads.

    How did they get involved?Who is the Headmaster and why does the game make a point of saying the Rotten Apple’s voice sounds similar to his?What exactly is the requirement that lets the protagonist get past limits? Who are the teachers? Bad apple wars vita. While the ending always explained the school’s true purpose, there are still questions to be answered. (I have a theory about this, but it’s never quite explained.)The main focus of Bad Apple Wars, however, is its characters.Two of the love interests can only be pursued on the Good Apple path, and the other three can only be pursued on the Bad Apple path.While there aren’t other true “choices” in the story, there are certain points where you can pick a location to go from the map.

    ...">Rfactor 2 Tracks(17.04.2020)